I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, co-advised by Prof. Greg Ganger and Prof. George Amvrosiadis. I research autonomous storage and caching systems in public clouds, designing self-optimizing system configurations and resource provisioning strategies to minimize costs while achieving performance SLOs. My work has been published at SOSP, SYSTOR, and HotCloud. Prior to CMU, I worked on distributed deep learning systems at Seoul National University, with publications in EuroSys and ICDCS.
📢 I am seeking industry Research Scientist positions starting in 2025. I’d be happy to connect and discuss opportunities. Feel free to reach out at hojinp at andrew dot cmu dot edu.
- 08/2024: The Macaron paper will appear at SOSP 2024!
- 01/2024: Invited to present Macaron at Uber & Alluxio Data Infra Meetup.
- 01/2024: Invited to present Macaron at Salesforce Database Team reading group
- 06/2023: Started an internship at VMware Research, working on collecting and analyzing object storage access traces, mentored by Adriana Szekeres.
- 05/2023: The Mimir paper will appear at SYSTOR 2023!
- 06/2021: Started an internship at MSR, working on online VM packing, mentored by Ishai Menache.
- 04/2020: Our short paper, "More IOPS for Less," will appear at HotCloud 2020!
- 08/2019: Starting my Ph.D. in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University.